By developers,
for developers
Integrate our API to start accepting real-time, account-to-
account payments with Volt.
First steps
How to get started
From grabbing some API credentials to telling us how to handle your customers, find out what needs to happen before you start integrating Volt.

Integrate our real-time
payments network
Begin your real-time payments journey by integrating our core API.
You can then process your first test payment.

The onboarding process
One integration to a world of real-time payments.
Here’s what the Volt onboarding process looks like.

Submit your docs
Complete your onboarding form and KYC documentation

Get set up
We’ll set you up on Fuzebox, your powerful merchant portal

Kick-off call
A Volt implementation engineer will ensure you’re up and running

Process payments
You’re then ready to process payments in your chosen markets
What to expect
from Fuzebox
- Implement authentication flows
- Create payment requests
- Build your checkout
- Verify and process notifications

Get started now
Join the real-time revolution.
Give your customers a faster, easier and safer way to pay.